Stage Decoration

1. Musician Platform – Includes Setting up of Double Height Platform covered with Black cloth & Boarder Lace Lining 

2. Group Musician Platform – Includes Setting up of Single Height Platform covered with Black cloth & Boarder Lace Lining 

3. Hanging Lamp & Bells  – Includes Setting up of 6Nos of Hanging Lamp with Flower on the String, 6Nos of Hanging Bell with Flower on the String

4. Back Stage Ramp – Includes setting up of 3x4Ft Ramp,  Deepa Stamba with Flower Decors

5.Back Stage Ramp With Pillars & Lamp – Includes setting up of 3x4Ft Ramp,Pillers, Deepa Stamba,Deity with Flower Decors

6. Pillar Mantap – Includes setting up 1 1/2 Ft – 3x4Ft Ramp : 2Nos, Pillar : 2Nos, Hanging Lamp – 2Nos, Hanging Bell – 3Nos

7. Deity Decor – Deity (Nataraj/Krishna), Flower Decor to Deity

8. Lamp with Pooklam – Deepa Stamba, Pookalam (Floor Rangoli around Lamp)

9.Virtual Visuals Back Drop – Left & Right LED Wall – 8 x 10Ft : Centre LED Wall – 4 x 10Ft : 1 1/2 Ft – 3x4Ft Platform to mount LED Wall  : Visual Content Set : 5Nos.

Ordering Info : Item 1 to 8  can be ordered individually. Other Items shall be ordered along with at least one of 8 items9

Snap Shoots